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TTA推動數位服務優化變革 助新創布局後疫情商機


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TTA推動數位服務優化變革 助新創布局後疫情商機

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TTA推動數位服務優化變革  助新創布局後疫情商機
TTA Enhances Digital Optimization to Empower Startups to Seize
Post-Pandemic Business Opportunities
TTA數位三法寶 助新創搶先機拓商務
科技部臺灣科技新創基地(TTA)為於後疫情時代點燃臺灣新創火苗,持續領航新創,躍升國際,特於本(7)月正式推動「優服務、促曝光、助成長」三大新創數位轉型策略,以數位化服務助新創取得國際商務先機,提供國際展會OMO (Online-Merge-Offline)鏈結、線上零距離資源串接及TTA官網一站式數位服務,支持臺灣新創持續有效鏈結國際生態圈,助燃創新力。

TTA’s Triple Digital Strategies to Empower Startups to Take the Lead in Business Expansion
This month, Taiwan Tech Arena (TTA) has initiated “Optimized Service, Maximized Exposure, and Continued Growth,” three key digital transformation strategies, to continue empowering global startups in the post-pandemic era. Through digitization of services, the initiative aims to empower startups to seize international business opportunities via OMO (Online-Merge-Offline) international exhibitions, zero-boundary resource connections, and TTA one-stop digital service official website.

嚴選潛力新創 國際展會強化曝光
TTA現已嚴選全臺50家新創參與本(110)年6月舉辦的法國VivaTech及西班牙MWC,展現臺灣科技新創的不凡實力。TTA後續亦將陸續率領新創前進具指標性的國際新創展會,如7月新加坡TechXLR8 Asia、9月美國年度新創盛會TechCrunch Disrupt、11月歐洲最大新創展Web Summit及明年1月全球最大消費性電子展CES 2022等,其中本年度舉辦之相關展覽皆已展開全臺線上徵案(,報名截至8月6日止,歡迎踴躍參加。

Key International Exhibitions - Featured Tech Startups & Maximum Media Exposure
As part of “Maximized Exposure” strategy, TTA is leading startups to participate in 10 internationally renowned exhibitions. Selected startups join the exhibitions through OMO marketing integration approach which enables them to seize global business opportunities and maximizes Taiwan startup brand exposure.
TTA selected 50 startups from nationwide applicants to showcase at this year’s VivaTech and MWC in June. TTA will continue to recruit and select top-notched startups to join other key international startups exhibitions which includes TechXLR8 Asia in July, TechCrunch Disrupt in September, Web Summit in November; and world’s most influential tech event – CES in January 2022. To join the abovementioned exhibitions, startups nationwide are welcome to submit application at: by August 6.

多元線上交流活動 助新創成長創造共好氛圍
目前諸多實體活動皆轉為線上舉辦,TTA以「助成長」為策略,持續導入各式新創活動,如創業家投資人沙龍、TTA 企業會員交流會及新創好物開箱等,為生態圈夥伴搭建多元交流管道,突破疫情帶來的時空距離及低迷氛圍。
TTA於本月即攜手臺灣唯一餐飲科技創業加速器 Foodland Ventures 共同舉辦TTA企業夥伴交流會,主打外送美食到府之創新作法,分享餐飲科技新創面對疫情,快速將危機轉商機的寶貴經驗,線上同時有逾百人參與,迴響熱烈。TTA亦將於近期推出全新系列TTA Talk,8月首場將以智慧醫療為主題,邀請醫院、企業及新創代表分享科技結合醫療的發展理念及趨勢,後續2場TTA Talk將另以社會創新及女力創業為主題,期望藉由業界代表及成功新創經驗,帶動臺灣學研新創之共鳴,展現科技創意實現帶來之社會影響力。

Diversified Online Networking Activities to Facilitate Continued Growth and Foster a Vibrant Ecosystem
Undeterred by restrictions of virtual events, TTA continues to creatively host various online activities and meetups as part of “Continued Growth” strategy to build multiple communication channels for ecosystem partners while overcoming the time and space barriers.
This month, TTA joined hands with Foodland Ventures, Taiwan’s only foodtech startup accelerator, to hold a TTA Corporate Partner Networking session featuring innovative food delivery to participant’s door and sharing of valuable experience by entrepreneurs who quickly turned crises into opportunities. TTA is also launching a new series of TTA Talk next month. The first session in August will focus on precision medicine while the next two sessions will revolve around the themes of social innovation and female entrepreneurship. TTA hopes that experience shared by esteemed industry representatives and entrepreneurs can inspire Taiwan’s academia and researchers as well as demonstrate the positive social impact innovation can bring.

TTA線上整合平台  提供一站式數位服務

The Launch of TTA OMO Platform Offers One-Stop Digital Solution in the Post-Pandemic Era
Through TTA’s “Optimized Service” strategy, startups only need to upload their information to TTA website to be linked to several other major online databases. Such exposure enables them to attract attention of domestic and foreign investors in addition to potential business partners.
TTA OMO platform provides accurate matching service and serve as a highly effective marketing tool. The platform is linked to TTA virtual pavilion digital promotion content and can efficiently provide enterprises and investors with information of startups they are interested in. What’s more, the platform will serve as an international fundraising platform that links global and inter-ministerial resources to reflect fundraising performance of TTA startups. Lastly, TTA website will integrate a 24/7 bilingual chatbot to automatically guide users to the corresponding information based on their requests. All these functions will gradually be completed by mid-October to provide high-quality digitalized service to our startups and others in our vibrant ecosystem.

Media Contact
Ms. Miriam Chu
Ministry of Science and Technology
Tel: 02-2737-7963



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