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Healthcare & Biomedical

De Novo Orthopedics

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運用「設計思考」(Design Thinking)解決臨床未被滿足的需求,開發出「愛復健智慧服務系統」(iRehab System),將專業醫療團隊的觸角藉由智慧行動裝置帶入患者生活中,從術後的傷口照護開始,醫療團隊可藉由系統後台時時叮囑與關心個案術後照護相關問題,讓執刀醫師放心、個案及家屬安心。

De Novo Orthopedics is a one-stop shop for all of your innovative medical solutions. Based in central Taiwan, we are here to provide our expertise on your successful business. Founded in 2017, our team includes well experienced surgeons, regulatory advisors, hardware and software engineers, business and marketing consultants. The wisdom and invaluable experience we’ve gained allows us to build better long-term creative strategies for all of our clients. We provide a total solution for rotator cuff repair(RCR) surgery. It is a common surgery but has nearly 20% high complication rate, and 20-57% failure rates WITHOUT patch augmentation. Healing is one of the greatest concerns of orthopedic surgeons, however, applying ECM patch in arthroscopic surgeries is technique-demanding and time-consuming. Our PressEven augment and CollaGrowth ECM patch can help.