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FiduciaEdge Technologies

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「邊信聯科技股份有限公司」為5G AIOT時代提供了資訊安全及隱私防護的最佳解決方案──「可信邊緣運算開發環境」,從資料的源頭保護使用者的資料隱私,杜絕任何資料洩漏的可能性;一方面協助開發者強化邊緣運算應用開發的安全及效率,另一方面也讓使用者能在享受AIOT所帶來便利的同時,確保自己的資料及隱私不會被自己以外的「任意第二方」所獲取。

FiduciaEdge’s software-based solutions, the \"Trusted/Confidential Edge Computing Solutions\", ensure information security and user privacy in the 5G/AIoT era. In addition to enhancing security in the edge computing landscape, FiduciaEdge’s confidential edge computing solution also protects the privacy of user datasets and AI algorithms at the source. In the confidential edge computing landscape, AI inferencing can be performed under a safehouse environment without the need to disclose raw data, thereby eliminating any potential of data leakage.