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Healthcare & Biomedical

KenKone Medical Co., Ltd.

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「康統醫學科技股份有限公司」專注於數據與AI應用,打造醫療智慧化軟體解決方案,聚焦醫療照護本質,改善醫療照護流程,為醫護人員減輕工作負擔,為病人提昇醫療品質,成為全球Healthcare AIOT領導品牌。核心競爭力為「語音助理」與「醫療資訊 結構化」,目標成為醫護人員指名No.1的智慧好幫手。

KENKONE creates medical intelligent software solutions, focuses on the essence of medical care, improves the medical care process, reduces the workload for medical staff, and improves the quality of medical care for patients. It has become a global healthcare AIOT leading brand.