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Cyber Security

KeyXentic Inc.

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在雲端以及區塊鏈興起的時代,提供使用者在網路世界的一把” 網路虛擬安全鑰匙”,用於開啟雲端各種服務,將資料都經由安全鑰匙保護,在雲端服務的資料全加密保護,避免各種資料洩漏的問題。將資料的掌控權回歸到自己手上,保護數位資產,簡單而且不需要花費太多費用。

KeyXentic Inc. is a professional mobile and data security service provider company and composed of experienced and enthusiastic experts. We are devoted to design convenient and strong security for user’s data protection and privacy without any compromise. We provide an all-around security solution from hardware integrated chip(IC), software to system integration consultant for customer’s requirements.