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我們的經營理念是“為人和社會提供深刻的見解”,我們願為社會的偉大發展作出貢獻。公司名稱“ LIGHTz”代表“光”,它輕輕地照亮了光明的未來。LIGHTz的核心技術是“通過AI將專家的思想轉變為可及的知識”,提供製造業客戶,“知識移轉諮詢服務“的經驗和技術。透過AI技術“ ORGENIUS”,幫製造業您將專家的知識和技能傳承給下一代。

LIGHTz's business concept is "providing deep insights to people and society“.  We would like to contribute to great growth of the society. Core technology of LIGHTz is transforming expert's thinking into accessible knowledge with artificial intelligence. We developed this technology with rich experiences of Knowledge Transfer Consulitng Services in the field of manufacturing. Utilize the artificial intelligence technology "ORGENIUS", we help you to pass experts' knowledge and skill onto next generation."