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永恆筆記本,具有防水、耐刮、且可重複書寫的高質感體驗模式。配合的金屬筆本身不需要替換筆芯即可重複書寫。金屬筆的筆尖的合金比例是其核心技術,在 UV 噴墨的紙張上書寫的當下可以藉由氧化還原的功能得到字跡,再用其專用液體擦去。

Nika's product feature is a timeless notebook with a high-quality experience mode that is waterproof, scratch-resistant, and repeatable. The matched metal pen itself does not need to replace the refill to write repeatedly. The alloy ratio of the tip of the metal pen is its core technology. When writing on UV inkjet paper, the handwriting can be obtained by the redox function, and then wiped off with its special liquid. For an eternal notebook that integrates the app synchronization function of the software service, we are looking for a suitable notebook manufacturer in Taiwan.