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美商百威雷(PowerArenaInc.)是一家由 Google 資深研發所成立的公司,在香港、中國、美國都設有據點,具備資深的相關 AI 研發人才。該公司致力於深度學習(DeepLearning)技術以及透過自行開發的核心演算法,協助製造業客戶提升整體 OEE 表現。透過 PowerArenaAI 影像分析技術,協助廠區即時找出低生產效率肇因,即時分析廠線上效率及行為。管理者可以利用相關數據,做即時的人員調配達到廠線最佳化。

We're software engineers with family and friends in manufacturing. We’ve felt the frustration of engineers reaching a limit to understanding the physical world. We know the feeling when intuition-based fine tuning fails to deliver improvement. We’re committed to making sure PowerArena will take human understanding of real-world engineering to new levels of efficiency. Cost-effective and complete, PowerArena helps you to make better decisions simply by giving you more accurate information.
Industrial engineers are using our AI technology on assembly line to achieve smart manufacturing and manufacturing digitalisation.