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Blockchain & Fintech

Pecutus Technologies

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Pecutus 是香港科技園創新科技計畫的一家外幣配對平台公司,公司致力於讓需要兌換外幣的用家互相進行P2P 配對,無論是旅行後想要換回用剩的外幣,或者旅行前需要兌換外幣的人,都可以透過App填寫自己需要或擁有的外幣數量,之後到他們的櫃員機交易,過程中節省前往找換店兌換外幣所花費的時間及高昂手續費。而平台所採用的區塊鏈技術,亦可以確保交易安全透明而受保障。

The ReadyApp and ReadyKiosk currency exchange network pioneered by Pecutus is a highly efficient P2P foreign exchange platform. The first ReadyTravel physical foreign exchange kiosk was unveiled in July 2019, using AI and blockchain to support P2P money changing. Compared to manned currency exchange outlets, ReadyTravel operates round-the-clock and offers smaller exchange rate spreads at lower admin costs.