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Blockchain & Fintech

Poseidon Network

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POSEIDON NETWORK 是全世界第一個已經落地 CDN 混合區塊鏈應用,同時具有 B2B、B2C、C2B、C2B2C 四種商業模式。產品定位是多中心化的 CDN 結合分散式儲存,在 2018 Q4,已有 10+ 穩定企業級客戶及遍佈 30+ 國家的超級節點。 POSEIDON NETWORK 已經在對客戶供應 CDN,我們發現 CDN 的問題,可以透過區塊鏈科技,搭配強而有力的 IoT Device ,以及合理的通證經濟解決。最終,我們引進了區塊鏈科技,並非為了區塊鏈而區塊鏈,並搭配強而有力的 NAS,達成我們想要完整化 CDN 生態系統的目標。我們正在利用科技改變世界,改變人類的網路使用習慣!

POSEIDON NETWORK provides decentralized CDN service, the decentralized version of GCP, AWS Cloud Service. With IoT such as NAS, we achieve fog computing, it's closer to users than the cloud, several times faster, cheaper, and effective use of idle resources. With our variety of flexible solutions, partners have included the world's leading NAS brands, e-commerce, content industries, well-known gamer community forums, live streaming and so on.