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Healthcare & Biomedical

Seknova Biotechnology

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Seknova Biotechnology開發的無痛持續偵測方案技術幫助糖尿病患者大幅減輕監控生理數據時的痛苦指數,測得的數據可連續傳輸到團隊開發的手機應用程式及雲端平台,傳送分享數據給需要的使用者。

Seknova Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a medical device startup developing a painless micro-sensor patch that continuously monitors multiple health biomarkers for early chronic disease detection and prevention of serious complications. Readings are monitored by the patient through a secured mobile app with automatic alerts when levels are out of target range. The company's cloud platform allows data to be shared with family members and doctors for improved disease management.