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Healthcare & Biomedical

Smart Surgery

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Smart surgery 為北醫智慧手術研究團隊,專注於應用醫療影像技術以改善⼿術品質、提升手術效率。主要產品為微創手術訓練模擬器與AI器官辨識輔助系統。 手術訓練模擬器是以實際臨床影像為基礎所開發的情境模擬,協助醫師於術前進行術式的操作訓練。AI器官辨識輔助系統可輔助醫師辨識重要部位,減少手術時間以及避免手術誤傷。根據臨床分析數據顯示,器官辨識輔助目前已可辨識10種以上的組織部位,預期可降低醫師手術過程中組織辨識時間60%,提升微創手術室使用效率16%,進而提升醫院營收,創造醫病雙贏。

Smart Surgery AI is the first image recognition artificial intelligence through learning clinical surgery images, and combined with a 3D image capture system to record the surgery video of minimally invasive surgery such as endoscopy, laparoscopy and da Vinci, to applied on surgical-assistance, training simulation and medical image management to improve the MIS (minimally invasive surgery) efficiency.