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Healthcare & Biomedical

Win Coat

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怡定興科技以微針貼片列為重點研發產品,可突破角質層阻障,將功能性成分有效導入表皮與真皮層。目前所開發抗皺眼膜微針貼片,以交聯型玻尿酸以及特殊抗皺配方作為微針原料,藉由玻尿酸提供保濕功能,避免表皮細紋產生,並藉由所添加特殊抗皺配方,避免膠原蛋白分解酶(matrix metalloproteinase, MMP)破壞真皮層膠原蛋白,以達成保濕抗皺的護膚效果,有效撫平並減緩魚尾紋生成。

Microneedle Patch: A New Transdermal Drug Delivery System
MNP can serve as a novel platform for transdermal drug delivery (TDD). MNP is different from the conventional TDD i.e., there are hundreds of microneedles on the patch that can penetrate the skin to remove the resistance of the stratum corneum. Drugs can be delivered to the epidermis, dermis later for fast drugs diffusion into the vain. On the other hand, microneedles are short enough not to touch the nerve system. So the administration of MNP will not cause any painful feelings.
WCC has developed a unique MNP system; biopolymers and other materials (all FDA approved) are used to make MNP, production technology that contains at least 20 steps was developed for mass production. Currently WCC’s MNP technology is focused on the following four areas. WCC has developed the mass production capacity with at least 10,000 MNP per day, the yield is over 90%.