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Taiwan Heavyweights Join Virtual Healthcare Matchmaking Platform to Drive Next Era of Corporate-Startup Collaboration


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Taiwan Heavyweights Join Virtual Healthcare Matchmaking Platform to Drive Next Era of Corporate-Startup Collaboration


Leveraging resources in Taiwan to revolutionize the way care is delivered.

BE Capital, a startup accelerator and venture capital firm, together with Taiwan Tech Arena and Startup Island, has launched a virtual cross-border collaboration platform, HealthForAll, connecting the international healthcare ecosystem with Taiwan’s dominant industries. The platform provides a unique opportunity for corporate-startup engagement across the areas of medical data, research & development, clinical trials, manufacturing, supply chain, and information & communications technology. Startup companies interested in leveraging the resources in Taiwan to transform the future of healthcare are encouraged to apply until 31 October, 2020.

This platform is the first step in fostering closer corporate-startup relations between Taiwan and the international healthcare community. The corporates have an opportunity to provide a “reverse pitch” for startups to better understand how they could potentially collaborate. The initial phase of the platform will culminate in a virtual meeting with corporates and selected startups as they seek ways to work together. 

The platform has been well received by many corporate partners in Taiwan, including Acer Healthcare, Asus Cloud, Might Electronics, Advantech, Leosys, Wiltrom, JAG, and the OmniHealth Group. The initial interest is indicative of the eagerness for corporates to engage with startup talent. The platform will continue to engage with numerous corporate players and strengthen the HealthForAll network. 

The platform focuses on building closer collaboration between Taiwanese corporates and international startup communities to help drive a new era of innovation. Taiwan has long been established as a global powerhouse in ICT and manufacturing and to maintain its competitive advantage there is a collective interest in starting a dialogue with promising startup companies.  

The global COVID-19 pandemic has been a catalyst for a rapid shift within the healthcare delivery model. The meteoric rise of digital health solutions has seen the disconnect of healthcare assets from healthcare services resulting in an increased focus on artificial intelligence, point-of-care diagnostics, and wearable biometric monitoring technologies. 

Taiwan is uniquely positioned to drive innovation forward in the digital transformation of healthcare, as the ecosystem is already dominant in many of the industries involved in this shift. Thus, HealthForAll is geared towards providing an opportunity for startup companies to leverage the core competencies of Taiwan to accelerate digital transformation in healthcare.

The platform will continue to work closely with preexisting hospital and clinical partners, including Show Chwan Healthcare System, Taipei Medical University, SEQPRO and VCRO in a bid to bridge the gap between clinical expertise and technology application.  

“Most corporate executives believe healthcare is the trend and innovation is critical for their businesses, yet they feel behind in the corporate’s ability to innovate. HealthForAll helps corporates achieve inspiration and corporate growth through healthcare startup engagement,” said Arthur Chen, Executive Director, BE Capital. 

The HealthForAll platform has also received continued support from local Taiwan community partners, including Taiwan Tech Arena, Taiwan Startup Stadium, Startup Island, ITRI BDL, NARLabs ITO Invest Taipei, and the Development Center for Biotechnology. 

To learn more about HealthForAll, please visit
To apply to the platform, visit
Applications will be accepted until October 31, 2020, for the first batch of the platform.

About BE Capital

BE Capital is a startup accelerator and venture builder that focuses exclusively on Healthtech and Medtech. Based in Taipei, Taiwan BE leverages the unique strengths of our ecosystem to position the accelerator as the gateway to Asia for both local and international startups. Considering the complex nature of healthcare, it has traditionally been an innovation adverse industry due to the associated risks of failure. However, BE has set out to remedy this situation with our unparalleled access to hospital facilities, research institutes, investors, healthcare experts, and other industry stakeholders. For more information please visit

Media Contact
Anton Kannemeyer
Tel: +886 2 2570 0202 Ext.311

比翼資本與其加速器與 TTA 及 Startup Island共同發起媒合 HealthForAll 平台,為更有效聯合跨地區合作,連結全球醫療相關新創與台灣標竿產業。此平台將專注於醫療數據、研究與開發、臨床實驗、製造生產、供應聚落、與 ICT技術相關合作。期望運用台灣特有資源為醫療轉型的國內外新創可在2020年10月31號前申請加入媒合平台。 

加入平台後的第一步將會是促進國際醫療相關新創與社群與台灣企業更深度的合作。為此,比翼加速器將協助企業進行 “反向提案”,說明其優勢與期望,讓新創更清楚理解可如何與企業合作。在初期階段,媒合會將先以線上會議進行,討論如何邁出合作的第一步。
此提案已獲得台灣企業認可,並表達參與意願,其中包含宏碁智醫、華碩雲端、研華科技、國眾電腦、台灣微創醫療器材、捷格科技、以及國際厚生數位科技等公司。台灣於國際長期展示其 ICT 與製造優勢,從 HealthForAll 平台出發,國際新創可更快取得台灣資源,同時讓台灣企業透過國際新創由自身優勢延伸至提供創新醫療方案,保持企業競爭力。

今年全球因新冠肺炎疫情進而改變醫療行為及服務提供模式。因巨大轉變過程需更有效整合破碎的醫療資源,許多創新數位醫療應用開始萌芽茁壯,更透過 AI、精準診斷、穿戴生理量測等技術加快落地。台灣的電子產業、技術與醫療聚落在國際是獨特且具競爭力,與國際創新團隊合作必定能加快醫療產業的數位轉型

除企業與國際新創,此平台將注入與比翼長期合作的醫療夥伴秀傳與台北醫學大學醫療體系,臨床研究機構SEQPRO 與 VCRO,以及Taiwan Tech Arena, Taiwan Startup Stadium, Startup Island, 工研院生醫所, 國研院, 台北投資服務辦公室, 與財團法人生物技術開發中心 等創新創業單位及社群

比翼資本的執行董事Arthur Chen 指出 “許多企業發現醫療產業的創新與發展對他們公司的事業有巨大幫助,但大多數不知如何起步進行解決方案創新或是踏入醫療領域。HealthForAll 平台協助企業透過合作注入創新想法並啟動醫療領域發展共創

首輪媒合報名截止日期為 2020 年 10 月 31 日

比翼加速器由比翼資本所創立,整合資通訊科技產業及生技醫療研究成果,專注于醫療科技創新,包含數位醫療、 智慧醫院、與先進醫材,並搭配全球性生技醫療研發銷售通路,培育出具競爭力的本土醫療科技新創,建構臺灣成為全球醫療體系進入亞洲市場的磐石。


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