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VivaTech 2023 3隊勇奪獲全球最佳新創獎殊榮


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VivaTech 2023 3隊勇奪獲全球最佳新創獎殊榮

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全球新創競賽入圍數世界第一 首度闖入能源總決賽
VivaTech每年邀請全球具代表性的科技公司於展會期間辦理出題競賽,吸引全球數千家新創參與。今年大會在12個主題下規劃近30場競賽供各界角逐,臺灣新創團隊必須取得大會任一競賽的初選資格,方能成為臺灣代表團的一員。今年共有9支團隊闖入大會兩個總決賽,在全球新創競賽總決賽的入圍數更是創下領先各國,位居第一的佳績。14日的全球新創競賽(Coup de Coeur)總決賽共計8家團隊入圍,包括鎮鑫科技、奎景運算科技(Avalanche Computing Taiwan Inc.)、BeautyFact、鉅怡智慧、鴻辰通訊、主張數據、鉅田潔淨技術以及鴻躉,最終由鉅怡智慧、主張數據以及奎景運算科技贏得全球最佳新創獎殊榮。同時,鴻躉也入圍15日的能源總決賽(TotalEnergies On),這也是臺灣團隊首度入圍的競賽項目。


鉅怡智慧已經連續兩年獲得全球最佳新創獎殊榮,透過其AI影像式生理資訊量測軟體FaceHeart Vitals,將平板、手機的攝影鏡頭對準人臉拍攝,便可以連續性地量測生理訊號,取代傳統的心律監控產品;主張數據推出的Capture APP可視為Web 3.0中的Instagram+ Shutterstock。Capture 除了允許使用者在App中轉移照片的所有權,同時也在區塊鏈上保留所有歷史紀錄(產生CAI標記),更因為區塊鏈的特性,不像傳統EXIF資訊能輕易被修改,擁有極高可信度。奎景運算科技用平行化技術實現 AI for All 願景,於多個 GPU 之間建立加速平行化的模組,讓不同 GPU 之間交互運算,並且改良傳統演算法的運算方法,模型訓練運算速度可達到以往7倍的同時,也降低40%以上的人力及研發成本。

The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) and Taiwan Tech Arena (TTA) has achieved remarkable success once again at the VivaTech, a technology innovation exhibition held in France.

This year, a total of nine teams from Taiwan advanced to the final round, setting a new record for the highest number of finalists since the delegation’s participation in the event. Moreover, the Taiwan delegation secured the leading position in the overall qualifiers of the Coup de Coeur.

9 Taiwanese Startup Teams Advance to the Final Round, Lead in Qualifiers
Taiwan’s startup strength receives international recognition once again as the Taiwanese delegation currently participating in VivaTech 2023 achieves remarkable results. A total of nine teams have made it to the final showdown, marking the highest number of qualifiers from the delegation in the competition’s history.

The qualifying teams include All Aspect System, Avalanche Computing Taiwan Inc., BeautyFact, FaceHeart Corp., ible Technology Inc., Numbers Protocol, JU TIAN CLEANTECH, and TSGC Technologies. These teams have secured spots in the global startup competition (Coup de Coeur), taking place on June 14. The final award of “Judge’s Favorites” was won by FaceHeart, Numbers Protocol, and Avalanche Computing. Additionally, TSGC Technologies also qualified for the energy category final competition (TotalEnergies On), marking their first entry into this category.

TSGC Technologies’ double qualification in the final competitions holds significant meaning, particularly in Europe, where environmental sustainability is highly valued. TSGC Technologies has developed a groundbreaking photovoltaic panel dismantling technology that utilizes AI to identify various types of panels and determine the optimal dismantling method based on intelligent detection and learning of their different shapes and sizes. This process is entirely water-free, heat-free, and devoid of chemical reactions, surpassing the European Union’s Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive requirement of an 80% panel recycling rate.

3 teams won Judge’s Favorites in Coup de Coeur
FaceHeart has been honored with the “Judge’s Favorites” Award for two consecutive years. Its AI-based physiological measurement software, FaceHeart Vitals, enables continuous monitoring of six physiological signals, including heart rate, heart rate variability, blood pressure, blood oxygen level, stress index, and respiratory rate, by simply pointing the camera of a tablet or smartphone at a person’s face. This software replaces traditional heart rate monitoring products such as finger clip pulse oximeters or fitness bands.

Numbers Protocol, on the other hand, has introduced the Capture app, which can be considered as the Instagram+Shutterstock of Web 3.0. Capture not only allows users to transfer ownership of photos within the app but also preserves all the historical records on the blockchain, generating CAI tags. Similar to the traceability of fresh food in supermarkets, scanning the QR code on the CAI certificate reveals information such as the original author, location of capture, editing details, and recording history of the photo. Thanks to the immutability of the blockchain, unlike traditional EXIF data that can be easily modified, the information stored in CAI tags has a high level of credibility.

Avalanche Computing  has realized the vision of AI for All through parallelization technology. It has developed accelerated parallel modules that facilitate inter-GPU computation, significantly improving computational efficiency. By enhancing the computational methods of traditional algorithms, Avalanche achieves a training speed seven times faster than before, reducing manpower and research and development costs by over 40%.


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