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Healthcare & Biomedical

AESOP Technology Inc.

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醫療錯誤為2013年全美第3大死因,其中用藥錯誤佔20%、每年衍生成本高達420億元。醫療是最古老的產業之一,充滿不確定性,過程中一旦發生任何錯誤,都可能危害患者生命安全且付出高昂成本,而用藥錯誤這類可以預防的人為錯誤,始終沒有發展出殺手級解決方案。醫守科技成功運用13億筆處方大數據與人工智慧開發出「藥御守MedGuard」提供精準的用藥安全警示與最適建議, 並已獲得美國FDA SaMD批准。

Bringing AI-Enhanced Safety Of Prescription to healthcare practice through machine learning and medical big data/Founded by doctors, pharmacists, medical informaticians and data scientists, AESOP is committed to bringing AI-Enhanced Safety Of Prescription to healthcare practice through machine learning and medical big data. The Company creates and implements clinical proven AI models, to enable billing based hospital information systems, into clinical support systems