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Healthcare & Biomedical

Aible Therapeutics

HOME Our Startups
Aible 的服務 “Spick”去年在韓國被 MFDS(食品藥品安全部)列為 90 個 SaMD(Software as a Medical Device)子類中的 “認知評估軟件”(分類代碼:E06060.01,2 類)現在正在為產品 “Spick” 準備 GMP(Good Manufacturing Practices)和軟體認證的文件。

Aible Therapeutics believes that people can live free from the fear of dementia by combining new ideas and AI technologies. Their product, Spick, is an AI-based voice testing for dementia screening, and it is easier, faster, and more accurate than conventional dementia screening tests.