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CEO 兼創辦人 Ronald 創辦 Autopass 為其三度創業,在第二次創業創辦司停車大聲公,讓車主可以快速找尋附近那裡有停車位,並在 2017 年賣給宏碁公司成功出場。
Autopass 提供以車輛辨識為基礎的支付服務,可應用於加油站、停車場、路邊停車或充電樁等行車場景;透過 Autopass 支援後的產品有如車主的「專用錢包」App,可以在服務場景中自動辨識車牌與支付等功能,車主進出停車場就可以自動辨識繳費,完全不用掏出現金、信用卡與排隊繳費。客戶包括全國加油站、中油Pay、Line Bank、iRent、國泰世華銀行、和泰汽車會員使用的和泰Pay等。

Autopass APP, from parking to driving, upgrade and evolve! Solve the driving problem of car owners, and work with partners to enter every payment scene, so that car owners no longer need to use change to pay or pay in supermarkets, and optimize each car use situation after the car owner hits the road. In the Chemaji APP, future car owners can directly use "Maji Pay" to easily handle consumer transactions such as gas payment, roadside parking, parking lot entry and exit, and even car sales, and go deep into the core of car owners' driving life.
Autopass is driving fintech solutions to help service providers create a hassle free and contactless driving experience.