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Healthcare & Biomedical

Bosomeer Biotech

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Bosomeer Biotech利用精準3D列印技術,製作「個人化乳癌病患放療心肺護具」,透過讓胸部集中與托高,改變乳房與心臟的相對位置,有效降低病患接受放療時的心肺輻射暴露劑量,減少心肺疾病風險。產品穿戴方便且不影響治療流程。

Medical development successfully prolongs the survival of patients, so preventing side effects by treatment is very important. For example, the prognosis of breast cancer is good, but study showed that radiotherapy will increase cardiovascular disease risk in 5-10 years. We don’t want our female friends in cardiovascular risk in their late years after they recovered from breast cancer, so cardiac sparing during radiotherapy is the solution. PERSBRA is a personalized cardiopulmonary sparing device for breast cancer patients during radiotherapy, easy and effective. In clinical study it reduced the mean heart dose by 30%. To better take care of the breast cancer friends, PERSBRA is the very option.