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Bounty hunter

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獎金獵人網站於 2011 年上線,立志幫助年輕創作者踏上夢想之路。網站上蒐集了全世界的比賽訊息,透過故事性十足的介面與有效分類,讓各領域有才華的的夥伴都能用最便捷的方式得到比賽資訊。我們建立的是企業與年輕創意族群接觸最有效率的管道,簡單方便的競賽模組與諮商,不僅讓辦比賽不再困難,更解決企業尋找創意人才、行銷比賽的需求。

BountyHunter is the leading creative competition platform in Taiwan with over 1M creators. BountyHunter is a triage of market research for brands and organizations, utilizing the engagement of an extensive community with competition thrills and voting prize incentives.