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CHIYUCHI Limited Company

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騏御記有限公司主要產品為Holo3Studio,技術核心以全球目前唯一擁有手勢辨識、深度辨識以及語音辨識為一體的AR智能眼鏡「Microsoft HoloLens 2」為基礎,所進行數位內容服務的開發,產品廣泛應用在醫療、教育、零售與運動等等數位體驗服務上,提供給使用者更為身歷其境的視覺體驗。

The main product of CHIYUCHI Limited Company is Holo3Studio. The core technology is based on the world's only AR smart glasses "Microsoft HoloLens 2" that integrates gesture recognition, depth recognition and voice recognition.