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Healthcare & Biomedical


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CytoArm為快速、非病毒基因轉殖、高純度且成本合宜之新型腫瘤專一性T細胞建置平台,不需進行基因轉殖且再現性佳,可於十天內將病患之白血球轉化並增殖為腫瘤專一性T細胞 (純度>90%) 已成功開發多種BsAb armed T產品原型,於動物試驗證實可有效治療各類癌症(血癌、實體腫瘤、惡性轉移腫瘤),且不會產生過度細胞激素釋放或顯著活體毒性。

CytoArm, established in 2020, focuses on developing a novel cancer-specific T cell therapeutic technology. Multiple products of the advanced platform have been demonstrated as effective treatments for blood cancer, solid tumor and malignant metastatic tumor in preclinical animal studies.