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Healthcare & Biomedical


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Calyx的氣體感測平台技術源自於十多年生物材料工程的研究,是一家由加州大學柏克萊分校(UC Berkeley)和勞倫斯柏克萊國家實驗室(LBNL)團隊所創立的公司,致力於將先進的生物材料應用於感測器中,生產出低成本、高效能的感測器,來即時地偵測空氣中特定的氣體化合物。


After over a decade of bio-materials engineering research effort at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Calyx was spun out with the mission to apply advanced bio-materials to create inexpensive and power-efficient sensors for the real-time detection and characterization of airborne chemical compounds.

We leverage genetic engineering and chemical modifications to the protein coats of aligned organic nanomaterials known as phages, to design highly sensitive and selective sensors for airborne chemicals. While our technology platform has received widespread interest from many different industry sectors, we are currently focused on toxic industrial chemicals (TIC), such as formaldehyde, ammonia, and benzene, as market entry applications