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Blockchain & Fintech

Corenrich Consultant Co., Ltd.

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CE Capital 始於新加坡。它的願景是讓普通人加入風險投資的機會,使中小企業的業務和初創企業變得更好。如今,CE Capital已經建立了亞洲區域風險投資平台“Lighthowz”,讓機構和個人能夠投資和參與新興公司。並由台灣Corenrich Venture Consultant公司代理,為其投資組合公司的整個生命週期創造價值,提供指導,聘請行業顧問,跟進通過其跨國合作夥伴網絡創造成長機會。

CE Capital has established an Asian regional venture capital platform "Lighthowz" to enable institutions and individuals to invest in and participate in emerging companies. And agency by Taiwan Corenrich Venture Consultant company to create value for the entire life cycle of its portfolio companies, provide guidance, hire industry consultants, follow-up through its multinational partnership network to create growth opportunities.