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Crypto-Arsenal 致力於建構加密貨幣量化程式交易平台,打造新一代智能交易機器人開發、媒合與自動執行跟投的雲端服務,對接各大加密貨幣交易所,支援雲端或本地端策略開發環境、即時回測、實時模擬、實盤交易、計算績效指標與視覺化圖表等功能。

Crypto-Arsenal creates SaaS Crypto-Trading Platform for developers to create and traders to adopt quant strategies. Crypto-Arsenal creates a cloud-based automated crypto-trading platform for developers to develop, backtest, simulate, execute and monetize quantitative trading strategies, and for traders to adopt verified strategies for live-trading with Split-As-You-Profit Model.