E.A.Tlaunchpad是一個專為創投與加速器經理人設計的管理平台,讓1人可輕鬆管理15~20家新創,同時第三方業師等也可在平台上直接與新創互動,了解其發展進度。 (a subsidiary of EAT Launchpad) is a one-stop platform that provides aspiring entrepreneurs the critical process, connectivity, and guidance to build a successful start-up business. Our platform also comes with a vibrant entrepreneurial community, along with co-founder and mentor matching capabilities. (a subsidiary of EAT Launchpad) is a one-stop platform that provides aspiring entrepreneurs the critical process, connectivity, and guidance to build a successful start-up business. Our platform also comes with a vibrant entrepreneurial community, along with co-founder and mentor matching capabilities.