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Healthcare & Biomedical

Endovision Limited

HOME Our Startups
內視鏡檢查是一種醫學診斷程序,醫生必須通過查看消化道內臟器官的即時影像來做出診斷。該公司為醫生提供即時人工智慧幫助,幫助他們減輕這一艱鉅繁瑣的程序的負擔。Endovision 的人工智慧軟體與盲點檢測在功能與辨識度上都是世界頂尖技術。

Endoscopy is a medical diagnostic procedure in which the doctor has to make a diagnosis in real-time by looking at the live video of the internal organs in the digestive tract. The company provides real-time AI assistance to the doctors, to help them reduce the burden of this hard and tedious procedure.