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Healthcare & Biomedical


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HeartRoid 為心臟病專家和醫學生開發一套獨特的帶有心臟模型和搏動幫浦的訓練系統。產品可以幫助加速從概念設計到測試的外科器械的開發,該系統在Cath實驗室的X射線透視下可提供清晰的血管造影圖像,而準備時間僅需3分鐘。此產品已在2020年10月取得CE認證。

HEARTROID” is a training system with a heart model and a pulsatile pump for interventional cardiologists and medical students. This system offers clear angiographic images under X-ray fluoroscopy in the Cath lab, with a short prep time of only three minutes.