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Green Energy & Sustainability

Intersection energy technology LTD

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高宇能源智慧電管家結合行動電源,不斷電系統及儲能與物聯網 (AIoT) 打造全方位能源解決方案。透過高宇智慧電管家,使用者可以將居家升級為電力智慧家庭,停電時會自動打開儲能電量避免供電中斷。除此之外,消費者透過智慧電管家獲得與電力網路互動的權利,可以成為電力公司分散式電網的一環,與傳統電力用戶單方面接收用電方式將被顛覆。依靠每戶的分散式儲能裝置,電力公司也可減少大量的電網建置與維護費用。

Our energy storage service is a complete solution including software, hardware, AI and IoT. Through our service, users can upgrade their homes to electric smart homes. The service will automatically adjust the energy storage capacity to avoid power outage and improve the electric experience. Otherwise, this is the first time that consumers interact with the power grid so that users can become part of the grid. Electricity management and interaction will be disrupted in the future. Electric power companies can also reduce the cost of power grid construction and maintenance.