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Healthcare & Biomedical

JelloX Biotech Inc.

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捷絡(JelloX Biotech)以超先進組織取向技術提供高清晰全組織三維病理影像以及人工智慧智能分析解決傳統病理切片判讀檢測方式不足(誤判)問題。成為輔助癌症診斷的新利器以嘉惠病人,致力制定3D病理規格且成為下世代病理檢測驅動者。

JelloX is a next generation pathology company that revolutionizes the way to imaging tumor samples. With JelloX 3D imaging technology that not only scans the clinical tissue sample as a whole but also preserves its structural integrity to the cellular level, we now have access to hundreds times more data from a single piece of tumor tissue. Along with our AI Algorithm and 3D pathology database, we are building an auxiliary diagnostic system for pharmaceuticals and pathologists to make better decisions in cancer diagnosis.