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KitchBot 是一個軟硬體整合的廚具溫度控制專家,嶄新的產品概念,打破傳統的低溫烹調器具的限制。並強調簡單操作,提供一個科學化的料理手法來控制每道料理的品質,透過 KitchBot 可以精準地控制料理的火侯(溫度及時間),並給予每道料理最佳的烹調曲線。

KitchBot turns average cook into master chefs. Our first product is Vulcan. Vulcan is the ONE device to upgrade your kitchen to a smart kitchen. You can control anything such as a rice cooker, an oven, a toaster-oven, a hot water kettle, an electric deep-fryer, a dehydrator, etc. Vulcan makes them smart by connecting them to the Internet.