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Healthcare & Biomedical

Linsation Intelligent Technology Limited

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聆感智能科技是一家以打造完美聲音交互體驗之產品設計公司,目前開發的產品主要分為兩大類.一類為耳戴式裝置,如真無線主動降噪耳機, 輔聽耳機,健康偵測耳機與商用耳機等. 另一類產品為可攜式心血管聲音分析裝置, 可結合手機或藍芽,經由提供高保真傳感裝置,進行連續性的心血管的聲紋特徵分析,實踐遠距醫療照護與用戶交互的最後一哩路.

We focus on building high-quality sound UI solutions for our customers. We produce sound pick-up modules, voice recognition, voice communication and noise reduction algorithms, which covers almost all the sound inputing and processing area.