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LuluPet Co., Ltd.

HOME Our Startups
智聯科技專注在AI醫療影像辨識,IOT與數據分析。第一個產品「Lulupet AI健康管理智慧貓砂盆」,利用貓咪排泄物影像以及排泄行為相關數據來達到追蹤貓咪健康狀況之效果,提供飼主即時異常警訊與紀錄健康數據,提高疾病初期發現之比率,並整合醫療、寵物商品與健康資訊,達到精準行銷,並打造出寵物健康生態圈。

LuLuPet is an information technology company that specializes in the fields of IoT and smart homes. It features a wearable device designed for pets and takes an image for urine and urine identification, medical-grade sensors to detect weight changes.