MIFON 幫助用戶在沒有電源或網路斷線的情況下找回丟失的手機。目標市場專注於印度、東南亞、中東和非洲的手機(移動裝置)用戶。MIFON 還包括核心智能手機實用程序,例如在空間不足和電池高效佔用空間中的自動清潔器、備份和反惡意軟件。目前已有200 萬部智能手機使用保護程式,其活躍用戶正以每月 12% 的速度持續增長。
MIFON helps users get their lost phone back without the need for power or an internet connection. Focusing on mobile first users in India, South East Asia, the Middle East & Africa. MIFON also includes core smart phone utilities such automated cleaner, backup & anti-malware in a compact space & battery efficient footprint. Currently protecting 2M smartphones, MIFON active users are growing at a rate of 12% per month.
MIFON helps users get their lost phone back without the need for power or an internet connection. Focusing on mobile first users in India, South East Asia, the Middle East & Africa. MIFON also includes core smart phone utilities such automated cleaner, backup & anti-malware in a compact space & battery efficient footprint. Currently protecting 2M smartphones, MIFON active users are growing at a rate of 12% per month.