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OmniEyes Co. ,Ltd

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小型車隊、大型車隊或系統整合商就車隊管理問題方面有不同的考量。 MyFleet 的設計考慮了不同用戶需求。可以選擇最適合您的硬體、 AI 功能和管理平台。 MyFleet 的產品設計同時也採納了駕駛的需求。有效的管理和司機的用戶體驗之間不存在衝突。優秀的管理工具應該不僅幫助司機更有效地完成工作,而且過程中讓他們感到尊重與信任。 MyFleet 中處處的小細節絕對能帶來巨大的影響!

MyFleet is designed with these user needs in mind. You can choose hardware, AI features, and management platforms that suit you best. Drivers' need is also of great interest to our MyFleet design. 
We believe that there is no conflict of interest between effective management and drivers' user experience. Great management tools should help drivers to do their job not just more effectively but also enjoyable.