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Healthcare & Biomedical

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早覺醫療=早知道、早做到 PROPHET(PRediction Of Principle HEalth Threat),意為「先知者」, 為能驅動早覺醫療模式,本產品透過AI人工智慧技術幫您提早鎖定狙擊,進行疾病精準預防,把握治療時機。 PROPHET.CARE於2020年成立,產品經過十年以上國內醫療大數據研發,不須侵入式檢查、僅需您過去的病史資料即可進行疾病預測。

It is well known that prevention is better than cure, but most resources are invested in medical diagnosis and treatment. This type of expenditure structure may make cancer treatment remain unaffordable in the future.