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SeeWhat Technology

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西灣科技是整合人工智慧和物聯網解決方案的關鍵,供漁民更深入地了解他們的水下投資。通過在水下發生異狀時向農民發出警告,增加了蝦苗最多 4 倍的生存率。團隊透過高靈敏水下攝影系統、紅外線自動觀測、遠端自動投放飼料APP並導入AI,轉化漁民數十年寶貴養殖經驗,運用科技協助漁民智慧管理。西灣科技是整合人工智慧和物聯網解決方案的關鍵,供漁民更深入地了解他們的水下投資。通過在水下發生異狀時向農民發出警告,增加了蝦苗最多 4 倍的生存率。

SeeWhat Technology is the key to integrate AI and IoT smart solution for farmers to know better about their underwater investments. We increase up to 4 times survival rate by warning farmers once something happen underwater to having more reacting time.