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Healthcare & Biomedical

Teleplus Healthcare

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網嘉醫療科技 (TelePlus HealthCare) 主要提供完整的遠距醫療與遠距教育服務,針對睡眠呼吸中止症、心臟衰竭、肥胖、慢性病照護等,提供遠距醫療服務方案。TelePlus 協助醫院規劃全方位睡眠中心的建置,包含:建立遠程監護系統、全球排名第一的賓大睡眠培訓,以及亞太區最尖端的醫療 IT 與 IoT,協助醫護人員進行遠距醫療照護,以破壞性創新的模式,和醫院、醫生共享成果,也讓病患獲得更完善的照護。

Teleplus HealthCare LLC (Teleplus) is a medical information technology company that combines comprehensive telemedicine and tele-educational services with the leading treatment technology. TelePlus offers telemedical solutions in several health areas including Sleep Apnea, Congestive Heart Failure, Obesity, Chronic Care and, COPD.