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Toii 使用擴增實境(AR)結合行動定位服務(LBS)的製作遊戲利用科技為客戶創造商機,並豐富使用者的互動經驗。有多次與各國政府單位合作經驗,高雄捷運乘載量與觀光用的「一日卡」的銷量成長了 300%。

Toii uses augmented reality (AR) combined with mobile location services (LBS) to make games using technology to create business opportunities for customers and enrich users' interactive experience. Toii has many experience in cooperating with government agencies in various countries. Partners include the "Kaohsiung MRT Company" of Taiwan's "Kaohsinug metro romance" series. According to the information provided by Kaohsiung MRT, the Kaohsiung MRT's "One Day Pass", is used for passenger capacity and sightseeing, sales has increased by 300%. The Toii team has many award-winning designers, and all members have experience studying abroad having an international perspective.