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環球睿視以文字探勘、機器學習與深度學習技術發展AI自然語意(NLP/NLU)及文本分析引擎之AIaaS(AI as a Service)雲智慧(Cloud Brain),進行客服諮詢、餐飲零售、觀光旅遊、醫療健康、法律智財、金融科技等從雲端對話機器人到邊緣端裝置AI語意晶片之AI技術及應用,協助產業以AI科技進行數位轉型

With AI semantic and text analysis technology as the core, it provides a cloud-to-end digital transformation of AI semantic technology integration solutions, and promotes seamless collaboration and human-computer interaction between AI and real-person services.