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微馳智電為專注於智能駕駛技術研發與衍生應用的系統整合公司,提供前裝市場車電產品及資訊整合的完整解決方案,為全球前三大車用半導體-瑞薩聯盟成員之一,是台灣唯一擁有完整瑞薩晶片RH850 MCU圖形輸出研發能力,並具備實績的公司。

Established in 2017, Wiess concentrates on the design and system integration of automotive electronics with an over 20 years of experience in developing and designing technology products. WIESS's cutting-edge technologies are total solutions for the in-cab cockpit, comprises digital cluster, infotainment, rear sheet entertainment, and head-up display (HUD) systems, and ADAS based technologies.