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Qualcomm and Techstars Startup Series Mentor Workshop #5


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Qualcomm and Techstars Startup Series Mentor Workshop #5


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【Event】 Becoming an Effective Startup Mentor - Be Responsive
【Event Date】8/6 (THUR) 9:30AM (Taipei Time)
【Event Location】Zoom
【Event Link】
【Event Description】
Successful startup founders all have one thing in common - they surround themselves with great mentors. But in many startup communities, mentors are in short supply. This is where you come in.
Join us for this informative session about how you can share your knowledge and experience with founders in a way that works best for them. This is part of a workshop series (first Thursday of every month) co-hosted by #Qualcomm and #Techstars for supporting the Taiwan startup ecosystem.
Part 5 of a 9 part series, with this part focused on "Be Responsive".

What is being responsive? It’s not just responding to email and phone calls. Let’s learn how to be responsive as an effective mentor.
|About Andrew Yang|
Andrew Yang has spent his career working with prominent leaders in business, government, and academia, and is a trained presentation and communication expert.
He previously served in Taiwan’s Presidential Office, working with the President and Vice President on foreign policy communication. Prior to this, he worked at the International Science Council (which represents the global science community at the United Nations), directly assisting ISC President and Nobel Laureate YT Lee on the council’s global strategy and operations.
For the past two years, Andrew also worked with the venture capital arm of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) to expand their global partnership and investment activities.
Andrew is cofounder of Presentality, a communications agency that has served over 50 public companies, startups, and VC firms.
Andrew received his B.A. in International Affairs from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and his M.A. in Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School.
|About Matt Helt|

Matt Helt is the Sr. Implementation Consultant on the Ecosystem Development team at Techstars, as well as a Leadership Development Coach. Having worked with 90+ startup communities around the world, Matt has seen many best practices in action, especially in regards to mentorship. Based in the U.S., Matt will be joining us via video to pass along what he's learned so that you can help startup founders right here in Taiwan.
【活動名稱】Becoming an Effective Startup Mentor - Be Responsive 
【活動日期】08/06 9:30 (四)
成功的新創創業家都有一個共同點 - 只要一有時間,他們就會圍繞在有很豐富新創經驗的導師們身邊請益。但是,通常許多新創社群裡,是非常缺乏導師這個角色的!
Qualcomm高通和美國白金級加速器Techstars聯手於每月的第一個週四推出一系列加速台灣新創生態系成長的導師工作坊,此導師工作坊由Techstars 美國生態發展團隊的資深顧問Matt從美國連線,與特別來賓一同分享新創導師的實務及如何與創業家建立良好的關係,如果你是有經驗的新創導師或對新創有經驗、有想法、想幫忙發展台灣新創生態系、未來想成為新創導師,快來加入這系列千載難逢的新創講堂吧!
新創系列導師工作坊第5場,我們將聊聊「Be Responsive」這個主題。到底什麼是be responsive? 絕對不僅是回應email或是回覆電話如此單純,一位優秀的mentor在與輔導的創業家溝通時,該注意什麼事情呢?
|關於楊為植 Andrew Yang|
過去兩年,楊為植先生也任職於工業技術研究院(ITRI)投資單位「創新工業技術移轉股份有限公司 ( ITIC ) 」,拓展其海外合作關係與投資活動。
楊為植先生於威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校取得國際事務學士學位、並在美國知名衛教學員塔夫茲大學佛萊契爾法律暨外交學院(Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy)取得碩士學位。
|關於Matt Helt|

美國白金級加速器現任 Techstars 生態發展團隊的資深顧問,也是新創領導人才培育的輔導教練。他曾與全世界超過90個新創社群合作過,累積了非常豐富的實戰經驗,尤其是在培育新創導師這個領域。


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