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秀傳IRCAD x比翼Demo day引領微創與醫材創新 醫療基金投入預估創80億產值


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秀傳IRCAD x比翼Demo day引領微創與醫材創新 醫療基金投入預估創80億產值

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秀傳IRCAD x比翼Demo day引領微創與醫材創新
12 MedTech startups from BE x SCMH accelerator that should be on your radar

Demo day除了新創團隊的精彩表現,秀傳醫院、比翼加速器也公開與智康創投合作,將共同投資ready to go global的生醫新創

從微創手術、手術機器人到3D列印,今年秀傳醫院&IRCAD Taiwan x比翼聯手孵育了十二組來自加拿大、日本、泰國及台灣的新創,專注於微創手術、醫材領域,以及AI智慧醫療領域,要在後疫情時代引領下一個醫療新趨勢。

秀傳醫院&IRCAD Taiwan攜手比翼加速器於本月28日舉辦成果展,呈現近半年來的新創成果。除了新創團隊的精彩表現,比翼、秀傳也正式公開與智康創投合作,將共同投資ready to go global的生醫新創。具有二十多年投資經驗的智康創投也到直播現場,分享合作里程碑,並鼓勵更多優秀的生醫新創,為台灣建立強大的「醫療生態圈」。預計在資金的挹注下,可創造超過八十億的產值,打造獨一無二的產業競爭力。



堪稱台灣之光的INOPASE,團隊共同創辦人(Co-founder & CTO) Peter來自台灣,在日本當地建立團隊發展,並取得國立研究開發法人日本醫療研究開發機構(AMED)的資金資助,這筆研究經費是日本給新創企業最高的研究經費。另外,INOPASE也取得與日本東京大學產學合作,並在加速器的促成下,與秀傳醫院及工研院合作臨床實驗,開發目前全球市場首見的第一個神經回饋功能的無線充電微創神經刺激器。

另外現在非常熱門的3D列印項目,也出現在此次的demo day成果發表中,來自泰國的新創團隊METICULY,針對整形外科、神經外科和重建外科醫師的定制骨植入物,可在2-7天內透過AI輔助、3D打印製作出客製化骨植入物,供給患有骨缺損的患者。




From minimally invasive surgery (MIS), surgical robotics, to 3D printing medical technology for bone-related surgeries, these twelve brilliant startups which tackle topics like MIS, medical devices and AI healthcare would change the landscape of the healthcare industry.  
On Saturday (Aug, 28th), BE x SCMH accelerator demo day kicked off online. The three-hour event presented an opportunity for the accelerator’s newest class of startups to showcase what they’ve developed.
In addition to this marvelous event, BE and SCMH collaborate with Zhi Kang Venture Capital to release the $ 35M USD fund to invest in mature-stage startups including Series A & B funding to gear up entrepreneurs to penetrate the global market.

Here’s a peek at the companies that presented during the demo day:
Point Robotics, a revolutionary innovation that increases the adoption of MIS and continue their commitment to designing minimally invasive solutions that reduce variability in surgery and help to provide deliver better care. Point’s technology can lower the surgery risks, reduce medical costs, prevent unsalvageable spinal injuries, shorten patients’ recovery time, prevent unnecessary medical imaging radiation exposure, and most importantly improve the precision in surgeries.

Based in Japan,
INOPASE develops wireless power miniaturized implant neuromodulation with closed-loop function for Overactive Bladder (OAB) and Fecal Incontinence (FI) treatment. Current implant neuromodulation for OAB and FI treatments require patients to take multiple implantation surgeries and still have additional safety issues, INOPASE is closing the gap to improve the treatment efficacy.

Last but not the least,
METICULY, a Thailand based start-up that provides 3D printing medical technology on personalized implant solutions for bone-related surgeries.

With strong commitment to the research and development of companion animal immunotherapy drugs with the goal of becoming a leader in pet disease immunotherapy in the Pan-Asia region.
Protect Biotech currently has the world's first broad-spectrum animal cancer treatment product PT001, ready to enter clinical trials.

Asia pathogenomics, which is a startup that developed a metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) method which is a hypothesis free and timely method that could sequence every single pathogen, inclusive of bacteria, virus, fungus, and parasite, in one test.

Based in Taiwan,
EPED is an innovative medical and dental navigation solutions complemented with Augmented Reality (AR) Technology in the field of minimally invasive surgery.

Other honorable mentions, healthcare startups featured at BE x SCMH demo day event include Pressure Dot, Medscope, Wisergers, Smart Surgery, ALTUMVIEW System and HEMOCATH.

比翼加速器與秀傳醫院 Demoday 瞄準微創手術與醫材創新應用

Arnold Lee , Honorary Superintendent Show Chwan Memorial Hospital

Demo day邀請到Santé Ventures 共同創辦人 Dennis McWilliams開幕致詞
Dennis McWilliams, Partner, SANTÉ Venture

Demo day 邀請到網紅醫師沈怡岒擔任主持人
Host:Dr. Grace Shen

以生技醫療照護為關注重點的比翼加速器(BE Accelerator),同時也是台灣最大的醫療生技新創加速器,以長期關注醫療相關為主軸,透過與全球多家重量級醫療院所的合作關係,積極投入資源於生物科技與醫療照護領域的新創團隊,以拓展亞洲及歐美市場。從 2018 年成立之際,至今已孵化七十二組團隊,募
資總金額高達 75.8M 美金。
[About BE Accelerator]
BE Accelerator is the largest growth-focused program and venture fund for healthtech, medtech and digital health startups in Taiwan. Based in Taipei, we leverage the unique strengths of our thriving ecosystem to position as the gateway to Asia for both local and international startups. Started in 2018, we back seventy-two healthcare entrepreneurs, and raise $75.8M+ USD successfully.

[About SCMH-Show Chawn Memorial Hospital]
The name “Show Chwan” originated from President Huang’s commemoration of his late father. It represents an aspiration to show concern for the elderly, love the young ones, and care for everyone’s health. Show Chwan is a hand-in-hand “family” healthcare system with a current number of eight hospitals. For medical and healthcare, President Huang Min-Ho advocates the spirit of “Mayo Clinic” by establishing a “sound rural hospital” system, allowing even the people in the most remote of areas to enjoy the quality and cordial medical care found in cosmopolitan cities.

< IRCAD-Taiwan 亞洲遠距微創手術訓練中心>
[About IRCAD Taiwan]
In 1994, IRCAD opened on the grounds of the University Hospital of Strasbourg. Since its creation, IRCAD has gained world renowned fame as a leading research, technology and surgical education institute. Asian Institute of Telesurgery (AITS/IRCAD-Taiwan) was created in 2008 under the guidance of IRCAD/EITS and this groundbreaking alliance with Show Chwan Health Care System brings the 800 international experts affiliated with IRCAD/EITS to closer proximity of Asian surgeons, providing identical level of excellence in education while saving time and money in traveling. Tens of thousands of surgeons from the world over came to IRCAD-Taiwan to obtain high-level skills, cutting-edge technology, pioneering medical devices.

發稿單位:比翼加速器BE Accelerator
聯絡人:陳欣潔行銷經理 Polly Chen|0909-543-177|
Company Name: BE Accelerator
Contact Person: Polly Chen
Country: Taiwan


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