ible Technology:打造健康未來,引領創新!
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ible Technology 成立於 2015 年,是一家致力於打造健康未來的創新科技公司。他們的首條產品線為穿戴式負離子空氣清淨器(Airvida 系列),其產品的誕生,便是希望能隨時隨地帶給人們清淨的空氣,以減少吸入危害身體的 PM2.5 或容易引起過敏不適的花粉與過敏原。
於 2016 年推出了全球首款輕量級穿戴式空氣淨化器 - 「Airvida」,並接連獲得許多國際級大獎。在 2023 年推出結合藍牙耳機功能的穿戴式空氣淨化器 Airvida T1 更榮獲 CES 2023 創新獎!
從概念到實現,歷經 4 年的不斷優化,ible Technology 創造出領先全球的創新科技。他們的名字ible源自中古英文,是英文單字的後綴,”-ible”具有「使其能夠(in able to)」的意思,也表示他們希望讓一些創意能夠被實現,讓所摯愛的人有著更好的生活。
ible Technology: Shaping a Healthy Future, Leading with Innovation!
Started in 2015, ible Technology is a creative company focused on making a healthier future. Their main product line, the Airvida series of wearable air purifiers, was created to offer clean air wherever you are, reducing the risk of breathing in harmful PM2.5, allergens, and pollen.
Taking a proactive stance in the IoT and smart wearable domain, in 2016, ible Technology introduced the world's first lightweight wearable air purifier - "Airvida," garnering numerous international awards. Their innovation continues with the Airvida T1, a wearable air purifier combining Bluetooth headset capabilities, which was honored with the CES 2023 Innovation Award.
From concept to realization, after four years of relentless optimization, ible Technology has created cutting-edge global innovations. The name "ible" is derived from Middle English, serving as a suffix to English words, signifying "able to." It reflects their commitment to turning creative ideas into reality, enriching the lives of loved ones with a better future.
資料來源: DIGITIME Asia
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ible Technology 成立於 2015 年,是一家致力於打造健康未來的創新科技公司。他們的首條產品線為穿戴式負離子空氣清淨器(Airvida 系列),其產品的誕生,便是希望能隨時隨地帶給人們清淨的空氣,以減少吸入危害身體的 PM2.5 或容易引起過敏不適的花粉與過敏原。
於 2016 年推出了全球首款輕量級穿戴式空氣淨化器 - 「Airvida」,並接連獲得許多國際級大獎。在 2023 年推出結合藍牙耳機功能的穿戴式空氣淨化器 Airvida T1 更榮獲 CES 2023 創新獎!
從概念到實現,歷經 4 年的不斷優化,ible Technology 創造出領先全球的創新科技。他們的名字ible源自中古英文,是英文單字的後綴,”-ible”具有「使其能夠(in able to)」的意思,也表示他們希望讓一些創意能夠被實現,讓所摯愛的人有著更好的生活。
ible Technology: Shaping a Healthy Future, Leading with Innovation!
Started in 2015, ible Technology is a creative company focused on making a healthier future. Their main product line, the Airvida series of wearable air purifiers, was created to offer clean air wherever you are, reducing the risk of breathing in harmful PM2.5, allergens, and pollen.
Taking a proactive stance in the IoT and smart wearable domain, in 2016, ible Technology introduced the world's first lightweight wearable air purifier - "Airvida," garnering numerous international awards. Their innovation continues with the Airvida T1, a wearable air purifier combining Bluetooth headset capabilities, which was honored with the CES 2023 Innovation Award.
From concept to realization, after four years of relentless optimization, ible Technology has created cutting-edge global innovations. The name "ible" is derived from Middle English, serving as a suffix to English words, signifying "able to." It reflects their commitment to turning creative ideas into reality, enriching the lives of loved ones with a better future.
資料來源: DIGITIME Asia